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उद्योग जगतफरीदाबादहरियाणा

Four Way Test – a philosophy – Rtn. J.P. Malhotra

Metro Plus

Faridabad, 30 September (Mohit Gupta): Charter President Rotary Club of Faridabad Mid Town J.P. Malhotra presented “Four Way Test” to Sh. Mahaveer Goyal, COO India Kesari on his visit to our office along with Ms. Pooja Sharma to know more about Rotary and its core values in presence of Sh. P.K. Singh, Executive Director HSPC, PP Rtn. J.P. Malhotra thanked Sh. Mahaveer Goyal for his interest in Rotary and its values stating that Four Way Test forms the philosophy and a way of life for each Rotarian throughout the world.

Rtn. J.P. Malhotra explained to Sh. Mahaveer Goyal that Rotary Core Values represent the guiding principles of the organisation’s culture, including what guides members’ priorities and actions within the organisation. Rotary believes that our service activities and programmes bring about greater world understanding and peace. Service is a major element of our mission. Through the plans and actions of individual clubs, we create a culture of service throughout our organisation worldwide.

Rotary believes that combined efforts serve humanity and unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service. Integrity is our commitment and we expect accountability from Rotary leaders and fellow members. Rotarians adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our work and personal relationships. Rtn. J.P. Malhotra stated that Rotarians are a global fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavour.

All of these core values are reflected in the Object of Rotary and the Four-Way Test. They inspire us to foster and support the ideal of service for developing and maintaining high ethical standards in human relations. As a part of vocational service, Rotary Club of Faridabad Mid Town is spreading the ‘Four Way Test’ to institutions and offices of public and private enterprises including RWA’s.

Mr. Mahaveer Goyal was highly informed and impressed to know about Rotary and assured that he would spread the message of Rotary and contribute in building Rotary Image in his own way. A highly respected professional, Mr. Goyal was delighted to know that there are more than 630 Rotarians in Faridabad alone serving the humanity from 16 Rotary Clubs who are a part of Rotary International.

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