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‘Pollution Free’ Diwali celebrated at Saffron Public School

Metro Plus

Faridabad, 28 October (Naveen Gupta): Saffron Public School celebrated Diwali the festival of light on today with great ardour and vivacity. The school wore a festive aura. Team work and efforts of students could well be judged seeing the decorated corridors with rangoli and coloured festoons.  The program started with the arrival of the school Director Mr. Atul B. Sharma. Gayatri Mantra, shlokas and chowpayisreverberated in the air. Students spoke about the significance of Diwali and explained safe means of celebrating traditional Diwali.

All the teachers and students attended the traditional LaxmiPoojan and prayed for the blessings of the Almighty. Benediction was given by Director Mr. Atul B. Sharma.

Sweets were distributed by the management to all saffronions.DSC09779



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