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उद्योग जगतफरीदाबादहरियाणा

Digital Literacy – Awareness Seminar @ NSIC

Metro Plus

Faridabad, 17 December (Naveen Gupta): Digital Literacy penetration is need of the hour. India needs to plan to involve Panchayats (local governing bodies) through 2,50,000 Gram Sabhas, 1.8 million Healthworkers (mostly women) 2000 MSME clusters that lack digital means of communication, 5 million Teachers in Govt. Aided Schools and 20 million Govt. officials and target them to undergo rigorous training in Information and Technology – said Mr. J.P. Malhotra, President DLF Industries Association at Special Training Programme on Digital Literacy organised by National Small Industries Corporation at New Delhi today for their Branch Heads from all over North India. The Training Programme was attended by NSIC officials and students of Incubation Centre – said Mr. Manoj Lal, GM HQ NSIC.

With a constant tug-of war between resources and requirements, technology is the only way to scale up solutions and bridge the gaps. Whether they are used for education, healthcare, citizen services, financial services, or any other basic need, technology and connectivity can make a huge difference to the socio-economic levels of a community, and ultimately, the country, since true progress comes from inclusive growth.

Mr. J.P. Malhotra in his presentation asserted that affordability, accessibility, applicability and awareness-building are the four areas where most of the work is needed. It is important to ensure that the solutions are affordable and technology accessible. Local content and relevant opportunities will make the use of technology more acceptable. Raising awareness through impactful messaging and initiatives is vital for Digital Literacy and Cashless economy – the one NSIC has organised today.

Mr. J.P. Malhotra dwelled upon the Nine Pillars of Growth Areas and Initiatives under Digital India – Broadband Highways, Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity, Public Internet Access Programme,     E-Governance, E-Kranti, Information for all. Electronics manufacturing will encourage manufacturing in India and reduce electronics import and help in job creation too. This will help in achieving goals of ‘Make in India’ initiative also. Employment opportunities will increase as well as training aspect will be focused on ‘Skill India’ program. Focus will be more on IT training. This project will certainly help in improving the Ease of Doing Business. India ranked 134 in Ease of Doing Business in 2014 as per the World Bank.

Digital Literacy may not be a new vision but the energy and efforts in E-governance and Cashless economy being put are noteworthy. Budget by GOI has increased Five Folds. Digital Literacy will bring to the forefront the hidden talent and entrepreneurs that constitute country’s future, connect entire India and give all Govt. Services electronically, Improve Productivity and thus create One India – Digital India.

Representatives of Corporation Bank also made a presentation on Cashless Banking. NSIC and DLF Industries Association will organise Digital Literacy Awareness and Cashless working Training Programmes in Faridabad.

J.P Mahlotra Pic 2J.P Mahlotra Pic 3


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