Metro Plus News

Indo-Korean goes creative

Vikas Kalia
New Delhi/Faridabad, 11 December:
Two city lads make faridabad proud by winning All India 3rd Korean-Indian friendship essay competition. There were more than 6584 participants from 28 States. Abhinav Sharma of DAV Sec – 37 and Aayush Sharma of Apeejay Svran Global School, Faridabad received plaque and citations by H. E. Hyun Cho, Ambassador, Korean embassy who was chief guest for the occasion. “students wrote emotionally, logically but all of them projected from heart”, said Cho. Officer Kim Kum-Pyoung, director, Korean cultural centre expressed that more than 1000 schools were contacted for participation during six month long exercise targeted on Indian students. Amongst those present for the ceremony were Sanjeev Sharma and Kulbhushan Sharma.

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