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उद्योग जगतफरीदाबाद

Reduce Waste Increase Profit: JP Malhotra @ TAP-DC

Report by Rtn. Naveen Gupta from Metro Plus

Faridabad, 21 August: Waste Management can not be reduced to a set of rules or tools, it is a shared system of thinking & behavior in an company called Body of Individuals. Waste Management is applicable not only in manufacture but in Construction , Healthcare Education , Software & even at your residence, said Mr. J.P. Malhotra Chairman, Training and Personality Development Center at the inauguration of Half Day Training on Waste Management at TAP-DC Conference Hall.

Ellaborating the concept, Mr. J.P. Malhotra explained that waste needs to be made visible & identified before you can think of reduction. Do not  procure items not essential & follow can not generate waste system, make standards for procurement. This would enhance company profits.

Ms. Charu Smita CEO TAP-DC advised the participants to   follow the principles of

1.Eliminate: Abolition, Discontinue, Exclusion, Removal.

2.Reduce: Simplication, Centerlisation, Synchronise,  standardize.

3.Change:  Alteration, Exchange, Conversion, Separation.

 The Trainer  of the day, Ms. Sangeeta Sharma in her interactive  presentation dealt upon the 7 Types of waste & 5S + lastest  for safety in detail in Hindi/English, illustrated with shop floor examples & our work place situations. Ms. Sangeeta put across the most simplified ways & means of waste management, presented  case studies which participants could identify with themselves at their works sites .

Pertinent Questions  by participative  trainees   were aptly & adequately answered by Ms. Sangeeta Sharma  & Ms. Charu Smita. The Half Day Training was attended by participants drawn from M/s Advance Forgings, Kartik Electronics, KK Textiles, Sai Packaging, Arvind Engineers, Bhartiya Valves, NE Rubbers Mill, Avery India, Tecumseh India Ltd., Gautam Engg., Cosmos Fibre Glass, ATM Exports, Wings Auto, Perfect Bread and TAP-DC.

Ms. Charu Smita Malhotra presented a colorful 6S poster presented to all the Trainees with advice to all the Trainees with advice to pin it up on their work stations so that they would always remember to perform & practice 6S principles and contribute their efforts to increase  company’s profits.

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