Metro Plus News

Ten Years of Excellence, Modern DPS Scales Greater Heights

Naveen Gupta
Faridabad, 12 December:
Modern Delhi Public School, Faridabad celebrated the completion of ten successful years with fanfare and jubilation. A special assembly was conducted to mark the celebrations wherein all students and teachers participated whole heartedly. The students presented colourful events which were a jubilant celebration of the achievements made by the school over the years, in the form of thoughts presented in the four languages, speech, poems and dances. Children who have been a part of the school since its inception, paid a tribute to the worthy institution by sharing their experiences. A talk show was presented through which Modern DPS promised to touch the pinnacle of success by emulating the footsteps of some most prestigious educational institutes across the country. Even the teachers presented a group song expressing their hopes and desires for a bright future of the school.
The honorable Director Principal, Mr. U.S. Verma took all down the memory lane, on an emotional journey starting from the very first day of the school until today, recounting all the experiences and achievements, and the giant strides that the school has taken to be at the top. He also congratulated the management for its unflinching faith in the institution and the staff members for their never ending support. The day ended on a happy and joyful note.DSC_7912


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