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SPC Training @ HSPC – J.P. Malhotra

Metro Plus

Faridabad, 12  November (Naveen Gupta): Process Control ensures uniform product quality & is essential to guarantee that the item will perform as desired – said J.P. Malhotra President HSPC @ the ½ Day Training Programme on Statistical Process Control @ HSPC today. This technique enables successful manufacturing & |Sales, prevents strong, scrap minimizes rework and above all has a major impact on cost & schedule. According to Mr. J.P. Malhotra,  SPC is the most important process manufacturing tool which empowers successful market place. In his  augural address Sh. Ashok Kumar Nehra President Association of Indian Laboratories, the guest exhorted the participants  to be patient in checking Quality Parameters like dimensions, temperatures performance attributes, sub assembly and above all  periodic calibration &checking of measuring instruments. The frequency of inspections is vital to efficient implementation of SPC. Sh. G.C. Narang IPP HSPC congratulated Mr. J.P. Malhotra on successful conduct of specialized & customized  training programmes on regular intervals at HSPC & suggested to repeat some of the basic programs S/Sh. A.N. Sharma, Sanjay Wadhawan Kartik Electronics, Sh. B.R. Bhatia, VP SG Industries gave valuable Tips on QC Techniques. The Training Programme attended by 29 participants drawn from Imperial Auto, Bhartiya Valves, Shivani Locks, Kartik Electronics, Forgewell Ltd.,  Elofic Filter & others was successful conducted  noted Training by Sh. S.K. Kalraya. A 22 Page booklet on SPC specially completed  by HSPC was given to the participants & will serve as a guide. Sh. H.L. Bhutani Sr. Vice President HSPC advised the participants to be attentive & vigilant during the Training which is a continuous process & also thanked the managements to sponsor the participants.All the participants were given Certificates of participation by President J.P. Malhotra.

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