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उद्योग जगतफरीदाबादराजनीतिहरियाणा

निगम पार्षद के दावेदारों में खुशी की लहर, 8 जनवरी को होंगे नगर निगम के चुनाव

मैट्रो प्लस
चंडीगढ़/फरीदाबाद, 8 दिसम्बर (नवीन गुप्ता): आखिरकार वो समय आ ही गया जिसका शहर की जनता को इंतजार था खासकर निगम पार्षद बनने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों को। चंद पूर्व पार्षदों तथा सरकार के बीच चली लम्बी कानूनी जद्दोजहद के बाद न्यायपालिका का फैसला आने से चुनाव का रास्ता खुल गया था। और अब सरकार ने आज फरीदाबाद नगर निगम चुनावों की घोषणा कर निगम पार्षद के दावेदारों पर खुशी की चमक ला दी है। हाईकोर्ट के फैसले के बाद आज राज्य चुनाव आयोग ने नगर निगम चुनावों की घोषणा करते हुए निगम चुनावों के लिए 8 जनवरी की तारीख घोषित कर दी है।
गौरतलब रहे कि वार्डबंदी कमेटी में कथित धांधली की शिकायत को लेकर हाईकोर्ट में दायर एक याचिका के चलते नगर निगम के चुनावों पर पिछले काफी समय से स्टे लगा हुआ था। लेकिन पिछले सप्ताह अदालत ने दोनों पक्षों की याचिका पर सुनवाई करते हुए चुनाव पर लगाया गया स्टे हटाते हुए इस संदर्भ में नगर निगम के पूर्व सीनियर डिप्टी मेयर मुकेश शर्मा, पूर्व डिप्टी मेयर राजेंद्र भामला एवं पूर्व पार्षद योगेश ढींगड़ा द्वारा दायर याचिका को रद्द कर दिया था। यह याचिका इन्होंने सामूहिक रूप से दायर की थी। याचिका रद्द होने के बाद आज राज्य चुनाव आयोग ने चुनावों की घोषणा कर दी।
वहीं दूसरी तरफ निगम चुनावों पर हाईकोर्ट से स्टे लेने वाले याचिकाकर्ता पूर्व पार्षद योगेश ढींगड़ा का कहना है कि उनकी याचिका को सिंगल बेंच ने रद्द किया है। इस बेंच का फैसला पढऩे के बाद वे हाईकोर्ट की डबल बेंच में अपील करेंगे। जबकि दूसरी ओर नगर निगम एवं जिला प्रशासन ने 8 जनवरी को होने वाले चुनाव की तैयारी पूरी कर ली है। निगम प्रशासन का कहना है कि वह चुनाव करवाने के लिए तैयार हैं।
एक लम्बे अरसे से चुनावों की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे लोगों के लिए चुनावों की यह घोषणा बड़ी खुशखबरी है।

MCF Election Declared
Metro Plus
Chandigarh/Faridabad, 8 December {Naveen Gupta} : Dr. Dalip Singh , State Election Commissioner, Haryana stated that the programme for the General Election of Municipal Corporation Faridabad has been issued today. The Election programme to the above said Corporation is as under:-Notifications of election programme has been issued on 08.12.2016
(1) Date on which notice shall be published by the Returning Officer for inviting nominations under Rule (Thursday)

(2) Dates on which Nomination papers shall be presented under Rule 21 (2) (i) 21.12.2016 (Wednesday) to 27.12.2016 (Tuesday) 11.00 A.M. to 03.00 P.M.

(3) Dates on which the list of Nomination papers received shall be posted under Rule 21 (2) (ii) 21.12.2016 (Wednesday) to 27.12.2016 (Tuesday)

(4) Date by which information shall be furnished by the candidate in the format prescribed, to the concerned Returning Officer that he is not suffering from any disqualification. 28.12.2016 (Wednesday) Before 11.00 A.M.

(5) Date on which the nomination papers shall be scrutinized under Rule 21(2) (iii) 28.12.2016 (Wednesday) 11.30 A.M. onwards.

(6) Last date for withdrawal of candidature under Rule 21 (2) (vi) 29.12.2016 (Thursday) between 11.00 A.M and 3.00 P.M.

(7) Date on which symbols shall be allotted to the contesting candidates. 29.12.2016 (Thursday) after 3.00 PM

(8) Date on which the list of contesting candidates shall be posted under Rule 21(2) (vii) 29.12.2016 (Thursday).

(9) Date on which list of polling stations shall be posted under Rule 21 (2) (viii) 29.12.2016 (Thursday).

(10) Date on which the poll, if any, shall be held under Rule 21(2)(ix) 08.01.2017 (Sunday).

(11) Timing of the poll Between 8.00 A.M. and 5.00 P.M.

(12) Date, time and place on which the votes polled shall be counted. Immediately after the polling is closed at all polling stations on the same day.

(13) Date on which the election result would be declared. Immediately after the completion of counting.

2. Dr. Dalip Singh further stated that election of the Municipal Corporation shall be conducted with EVMs. Out of 40 wards of the Municipal Corporation, Faridabad, 20 wards viz. 4 (SC), 2(SC woman), 2 (BC) and 12(woman) have been reserved. There are 10,28,699 voters including 5,74,257 male and 4,54,433 female voters who would exercise their franchise. 887 polling stations have been set up and around 4000 polling officials shall be deployed during the elections, he added.

3.Elaborate arrangements for the conduct of election in the free, fair, transparent and peaceful manner and to maintain law and order would be made. Heavy police force would be deployed to maintain the law and order at the polling stations and the sensitive and hyper sensitive areas for conducting the elections, he added.
4. The Commission has prescribed the limit of the expenditure, that may be incurred by the contesting candidates or his authorised election agents in connection with the election, Rs.2,10,000 for a member of Municipal Corporation, Dr.Singh added.
5. Dr. Singh also said that for the first time NOTA(None of the above) option will be used in Municipal Corporation elections, so that voters who come to the polling stations and decide not to vote for any candidate in fray, are able to exercise their right not to vote with maintaining their right of secrecy.
6. Dr.Singh further told that the contesting candidates are also required to maintain account of election expenditure and submit the same within 30 days from the date of declaration of the result of the election to the Deputy Commissioner or with any other officers specified by the Commission, failing which the defaulting candidate shall be liable to be disqualified under the Haryana Municipal Corporation Election Expenditure (Maintenance & Submission of the Accounts) Order, 2007 for three years from the date of issue of such order.
7. The Model code of conduct in respect of the Municipal Corporation Faridabad shall come into force from today i.e.08.12.2016. No officer/official connected with the election work shall be transferred till the completion of election process.
8. Any person whose name is not included in the electoral rolls of the Municipal Corporation, Faridabad may apply to the Deputy Commissioner Faridabad, not later that four days from the date of publication of election programme, he added..


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