Metro Plus News

Award for Rotary Club of Delhi South East Rtn. Sarika Yadav

Report by Rtn. Naveen Gupta
New Delhi: Rotary Club of Delhi South East since 22nd Dec,1978 is doing good work for the community. Members of this club who are also a part of the Rotary District 3011 and the core organizing team. participated in the President Elect Training Seminar {PETS} which was held at the Hyaat Hotel, Chandigarh from the 14th to the 16th of April, 2017. The President Elect of this prestigious club, Rtn. Sarika Yadav and Rtn. Samrat Yadav (2017-18) brought accolades to the club when they won the First prize at the Fashion Show in the evening where they had to showcase the handlooms and hand woven fabrics of India. The team presented a day in Assam to the sound of Amitabh Bacchan’s baritone rendering a soulful Assamese song.
President and her team also added on to the many awards by winning a special prize for the maximum participation at the District Assembly that was held at the Leela Ambience Hotel on the 14th May, 2017. The Assembly had 700 registrants, out of which 400 were from Delhi. Rotary Club of Delhi South East was represented by a record maximum attendance from Delhi members who were actively involved in all aspects of Assembly.

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