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उद्योग जगतफरीदाबादहरियाणा

Total Productive Maintenance is key operational activity of the Quality Management System to enhance the volume of production: J.P. Malhotra

Report by Naveen Gupta from Metro Plus

Faridabad,  16 February:  Total Productive Maintenance is key operational activity of the Quality Management System to enhance the volume of production, employee morale & job satisfaction – said Mr. J.P. Malhotra, President DLF addressing the participants @ Training program organized by Technology and Personality Development Center on 15th Feb @ Conference Hall TAP-DC Faridabad

Mr. J.P. Malhotra said that the focus is on keeping all the equipment in top working condition to avoid breakdown & delays in manufacturing processes. TPM is a system of maintaining & improving the integrity of production & quality system training machine, processes & employees that add business value to the organization. The objective is to identify, prioritize & minimize the losses.

Ms. Charu Smita Malhotra CEO TAP-DC said that focused on protective & preventive technique for equipment reliability. The educational pillar of TPM asserts that every component of workforce needs to be trained on what he is supposed to do be if shop floor, office administration or for that matter any workplace.

The training conducted by noted expert Sh. S.K. Kalraiya basic TPM included SMED & explanation on Lean Tools was attended by 18 production & quality personals from reputed manufacturing organization of Faridabad/NCR.

Certificate of participation were given by S/Sh. J.P. Malhotra, Sh. Sanjay Kalraiya & Ms. Charu Smita Malhotra to all. The participants were appreciative of content & style of the important shop floor related Training.

Ms. Charu Smita Malhotra informed that future program to be conducted at TAP DC included Full Day Workshops on First Impression Management by Saloni Kaul on 22-Feb-2019, Advanced Excel With Data Analytics by Charu Smita Malhotra on 23-Feb-2019 and Memory Management Program by Anant Kasibhalta on 16-Mar-2019. For details, desirous participants can contact 991011299/9717012999 or mail at [email protected].

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